Auto Insurance and a Baby: What You Need to Know
Having a baby changes a lot of things. But could it also change your auto insurance? Believe it or not it actually could -- in some unexpected ways. When you have a baby, you almost always want to take the opportunity to revise all of your coverage. Otherwise you could find yourself with some unanticipated expenses when an accident does occur.
A Baby Doesn't Automatically Change Your Insurance
First thing's first; simply having a baby isn't going to change your insurance rates. Many people assume that having a baby means you'll be a safer driver, and thus that you should have better rates. But the insurance company is likely going to wait to see your driving record reflect this, rather than simply making the assumption on your behalf.
A Baby Does Change the Amount You Drive
Especially right away, a baby is often going to change your household's mileage substantially. With a new baby, at least one parent is likely to not be traveling as much or as far. Many parents eventually adjust their commutes and they don't go out as often for fun. Because of this, your auto insurance should be recalculated based on the mileage that you are actually using.
Many People Switch Cars
Even if you aren't thinking of doing so now, it's likely you may be in the next few months. Many new parents find that their cars simply aren't feasible for having a child, especially as that child grows. Upgrading to a new, safer car can definitely reduce your insurance rates.
You May Need Additional Coverage
On the other end of things, however, you may need to take a look at your coverage again. With a baby on board, you want to have comprehensive insurance that includes a lot of medical coverage -- otherwise you could end up in a difficult situation if an accident does occur. Having a baby also means you're probably carrying more expensive things, such as expensive strollers, so you don't want to have "just collision" on your vehicle.
As you can see, a baby changes a lot of aspects of your auto insurance without changing it much directly. If you call your insurance company and tell them "I had a baby," it isn't going to impact your premiums -- but all the little changes in your lifestyle will. If you can manage these correctly, you may be able to save money. For more information, contact a business such as Woodmansee Insurance Inc.