Understanding Renter's Insurance Plans Understanding Renter's Insurance Plans

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Understanding Renter's Insurance Plans

Hi everyone, my name is James Lewis. Welcome to my website about renter’s insurance plans. When I was renting an apartment years ago, I came home to find the place absolutely soaked with water. Turns out, the neighbor upstairs had an incident with the water heater that was not discovered for hours. Unfortunately, at that time, I did not think to acquire renter’s insurance to cover the damage. Since then, I have explored renter’s insurance options in great detail. I want to share that information on this site to help others understand the important of this type of insurance coverage. Thanks for visiting my site.


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How Making Improvements To Your Home Security Can Result In Discounts On Insurance

Are you looking for ways to make your home safer and more secure? If so, did you know that improving your home's security features may help you save money on your home insurance? Many homeowner's insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders that make improvements to their home's security, and you could qualify for a discount if you make some changes too.

Why Do Insurance Companies Offer Discounts?

Insurance companies offer discounts for home security improvements because these improvements reduce the risks that homeowners will file claims on their policies. If your home is as safe as possible, there is a lower chance that someone will break into it and rob it. If someone does burglarize your home, you could file a claim to your home insurance for this, but wouldn't you rather prevent this from happening?

Not only is a break-in bad for your finances, but it can also be very scary. Just knowing someone was in your home can be a traumatic experience for homeowners. Therefore, improving the security of your home will not only offer a discount on your insurance, but it may also help you feel safer in your house.

What Improvements Qualify for a Discount?

Almost any type of improvement you make may qualify you for a discount on your home insurance, but here are some of the most common types of improvements homeowners make to their home security:

  • Installing deadbolts – Adding deadbolts to your doors add another layer of protection to your home, and it puts another stumbling block in a burglar's path.
  • Getting a home security system – Hiring a home security company to install a security system for your home is one of the best things you can do for your safety and protection and for your home insurance. A home security system typically stops most home burglaries from occurring.
  • Installing a smart house system – Adding a smart house system could also help you qualify for discounts. This type of system detects problems in a house, such as water leaks or gas leaks. Getting one of these will also help you save money on home insurance.

You could save 15% to 20%, or even more, on your home insurance by adding some features like these ones. Every insurance company offers different types of discounts for different things, so you may want to check around. If you would like to learn more about discounts on your homeowner's insurance, contact an insurance company, such as Lanham Insurance Agency, today.